Ajay Patel

Posts with the category  Projects

A Surprising Security Vulnerability on the Google Search Results Page
Projects · January 9, 2021
Back in 2015, I discovered a surprising security vulnerability that allowed you to run malicious JavaScript code on the Google search engine results page, which might be one of the most secure pages on the internet given how much daily traffic it recieves.
Raspberry Pi 4 Kubernetes Cluster with x86 Support
Projects · June 11, 2020
The new Raspberry Pi 4 Model B can perform extremely well in an on-premise server cluster as a replacement for cloud services like AWS. The usual drawback is the lack of x86 support given the Linux ARM package ecosystem is still nascent. I’ve hacked in x86 capabilities resembling Apple’s Rosetta 2.
Sculpting Thanos to Learn Blender
Projects · May 29, 2020
The recent Blender 2.80 release has finally come with a much needed UI overhaul that makes it easier to work through the different stages of 3D modeling and animation and access the various tools Blender has. And with Blender’s growing popularity in industry, I finally got around to investing some time into learning it. While I’ve worked with 3D modeling and animation tools years ago, I never really did much beyond merging basic shapes together.
Currently in 🔔 Philadelphia, PA, USA 🇺🇸
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